ROC Return Filing For LLP

LLP Returns. Compliance Assisted.


    All the Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firms conducting business in India are governed and regulated by the Limited Liability Partnership Act of 2008. They are also registered with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The primary function of the ROC is to make sure that all Private Limited Companies honor their statutory requirements on time and if they fail to file such forms within the given deadlines, to penalize them. All such Private Limited Companies have to mandatorily file their returns following the ROC return compliances once a year. The failure to do so may attract heavy penalties and consequences. It is mandatory for all the Private Limited Companies to keep the government updated with all the necessary information regarding their operational status every year. Form 11 is required to be filed for annual returns and Form 8 is required to be filed for the firm’s financial statement.


    Form 11 (LLPs Annual Returns)
    Form 11 is an essential part of the returns filing documentation work for the government because it includes the entire summary of the Limited Liability Partnership Firm’s partners. Filing and handing over Form 11 are mandatory for LLPs irrespective of their operational status or their annual turnover. It is compulsory for every Limited Liability Partnership Firm to file its annual return form, Form 11, within 60 days (the 30th of May) from the closure of the financial year. If any such Limited Liability Partnership Firms fail to file their Form 11 within the required time, the Registrar will levy a penalty of Rs. 100 per day till the date of the filing.


    Form 8 (LLPs Financial Statement)
    Another formality that is compulsory for every Limited Liability Partnership Firm is to conduct a statutory audit annually if their annual turnover crosses the threshold of Rupees 40 Lakhs or their contribution crosses Rupees 25 Lakhs. Form 8 is required to be filed along with the information regarding their Books of Accounts and Statement of Solvency. Form 8 is required to be filed annually on or before the 30th of October to the LLP’s Registrar. In the case a Limited Liability Partnership Firm fails to file their Form 8 in the required time, the registrar will levy a penalty of Rs. 100 per day till the day of the actual filing.

    Leading Partners To Streamline ROC Return Filings